If there was a dictionary of terms for Los Angeles, the word above would NOT be in it. Latte, Manolo, spinning, Pink's Hot Dogs...for sure would..but DATE? The very mention of the word, seems to cause great confusion for Angelenos of both sexes. Men feel like a meal ticket, women, are left to ponder is it their hair, their weight, their zip code...
I just think the art of dating is as extinct as the dodo bird...men in Los Angeles, plan opportunities, booty calls, and occasionally, a dinner, but a DATE????? hell to the no. A sure fire way to silence beautiful women, ask them to recall their last two dates... Refer back to the above defintion...time/day/social engagement...doesn' t say...phone call/at night/sex......Men see women as bitter, women see men as uncultured and cheap... My married girlfriends recount stories of how their husbands courted them( another lost word), sent flowers, remembered birthdays, proposed AND actually married, ..and I sit enthralled, twirling my untwirlable hair...thinking...hold on girl...it's not a fairytale...
and then, I have an LA version of a date, = ( a movie night at his/your house) where conversation is placed between television and his crackberry chirping and his answering...where he is sure the night will end is hot sweaty sex..because didn't I see that bottle of wine was $26 ?
this is where if i could transport myself to Oz...the clicking of heels would start..
am I an OLD cougar? has my lack of assness begun to affect my datablity? maybe I shouldn't of mentioned that my parents are still together...I know I need to dumb myself down...
because there has to be a reason why this man thinks $26 = me butt naked.
Call me crazy, but i thought a date was a planned event...that included, effort, thought and precsion..that showed the interest that was supposedly the impetus for this event....
but male Angelenos can and do call, email same day, same night, beep horns, pull up with the car running..when was the last time a man in a car got out the car when you came down and opened the door for you? ..
let you hop in the car, breeze a hello to you while wrapping up a call...Is a pair of slacks too much to ask? shoes? not sneakers...wine selection?
men respond...well if she was worth all that...if she was, yeah. i might do that...I know that when a man is a man..i have a tendency to be...that's right ...a woman...
just seems like the lassiez faire of So Cal, the climate, has permeated the single scene...the hey i'll meet you at the spot and lets have drink, and oh by the way, I'm actually 5'9 not 6'0... is the par for the course... cell phone, texting, all the norm, ..and oh yeah, what did you say you did for a living?