Sunday, March 21, 2010

the only routine in our house is the routine of love..

days fly by at warp speed and Caden is the size of some toddlers. At 29 inches and almost 21 pounds at his six month check up, his height has him in the 99th percentile. His personality is forming, he is exceedingly happy, bursting into smiles and giggles at the slightest provocation. The sight of his bottle brings grunts and squirming; and he remains obsessed with leaves and trees. He stares intently into my eyes and breathes life into me. At 41 I feel more present than I did as a mom at 28, fully comprehending now that each moment is once in a lifetime. He is everything and a zillion more than I prayed he would be....

my daughter adores her baby brother, sings to him, captures him on video and in photos, and his gratitude is obvious in how his face lights when he hears her voice.

The only routine in our house is the routine of love....

in my fantasies i have a maid, a chef, a driver and a live out nanny. What i didn't bargain for was in my real time life, I am all of the above. :) with major help from my superhero aka my boyfriend. He does the man stuff ( insert trash/paint/heavy moving/kills anything with a lot of legs) and the really really important - telling me i'm still beautiful in faded sweats, encouraging me to work out and stay with it when i was much more interested in my couch, telling me i am a great mom/girlfriend - and hanging out with my son for two hours every morning, so he doesn't have to be in daycare as long - ah...I know I'm a lucky gal.

anyway, it the last few months while not writing, i've battled sleep training/breast sagging ( still an issue:) /depressed days/forgetting everything except my name...

side note - my 13 year old looked at me and said - " please don't become a cat lady"

and this is my life...-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buena tu página